Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feb 19th, Tuesday AM

Dear friends,

This is Daryl writing from Ghana with a short update. More will be posted tomorrow.

First – if you get a chance to check our website again soon – I expect to have more photos and things posted. Go to the first page for the mission http://www.nyfc.org/program/global/ghana08/ghana08a.html and scroll to the link on the bottom to next page. Hopefully it will be up within the next 24hours.

It is 9:55 am, Ghana time, and we are back from an outreach project in the village. Working with the Assemblies of God Church, we joined them in an environmental cleanup of the main street. It was amazing, and far more successful then we anticipated. People from the village said that they would have helped if they had known, and asked to be informed next time. This was exactly what the church wanted.

Sarah, Kelly and Ellen are volunteering at the Medical Clinic today – it is free clinic day and there are hundreds of women children and babies for them to assist.

On the clinic front, we had an article about our gift to the clinic in the Daily Graphic, the most widely read national paper here. We will bring home a copy or two. (16 actually!) and we were interviewed on one of the large radio stations here.

The construction continues tomorrow – and we are pleased, as we seem to have surpassed expectations already. We have had 4 work days on the site so far, laying 110 blocks on day 1, 168 on day 2, 180 on day three, 180 on day 4, and 204 yesterday. We moved most of these blocks to the second level of the building, as well as sand, cement and water, then “fed” them to the masons and assisted them in laying them down. Yesterday we moved 300 blocks….but there are only a few sore muscles! We have already done as much as a previous team (39 member) accomplished in their full two weeks! Our goal is to get the east west walls completed and a good start on the secondary walls inside the structure. Pictures will be posted on the website in the next update.

That’s all for now!
Blessings and peace to you at home.


Bill&Care said...

Darcie! Your Dad was pleased to see the video and he says, "Way to go, looks like you are all working hard in the hot heat! Keep up the good work! It's realy nice to see that you have bonded with everyone there... "family." Will look forward to hearing more, (and more pics/video) when you get back."
As someone else had mentioned,(on the blog) your comments have been a delight to read. Big hugs and lots of love Dad & Care xo

Mom, It's the last stretch now;the time has gone quicker than I thought...there is a golden man ready to greet you on Sunday(Oscar is his name!Movies are his thang!) My poor little plant in the window misses your care....I was quite taken aback this morn when it looked...well dead! I was almost in a full state of panic...not knowing what to do with it...then it hit me...what do plants need to grow?..watah!..because they need....moistrah! It was a nice long weekend here(family day) I took the kids to the movie theatre in T-Burg....all 15 seats were sold out, so the kids conned me into buying a bevvy of junk food instead. Well after all that sugar you know how the rest of the day went! They have not roused from their slumber yet; those sugar crashes can hit real hard!
Keep on swimming.....We're all rooting for ya's!!
Love & hugs across the ocean....
Care, Bill & the sugar monkeys!

Nadia said...

Good morning Daddy!
I love you, I miss you, and I'll see you in under a week!

The Boulard Family said...

Morning Everyone!

I am SO happy to hear that you are enjoying your trip Darcie. I have been praying for you. God can move mountains when he wants to and I am sure you can see that in Ghana. There are so many examples of God's presence in our lives even on this side of the ocean.

What you all are doing there is invaluable to the people in Ghana and what a gift for each of you as well. Perhaps once my kids are older I will get the experience of a lifetime that you are all experiencing right now. But for now, my prayers will have to do.

Stay safe and God Bless! Look forward to hearing more.

Beth & Family