Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Hi folks,

Daryl here....things will be a bit slow, but they will pick up we hope as time goes on.

We presented a gift of medicine to the local clinic today - much ceremony, lots of smiles. More meds than they have seen in years.

Here we are working on the second floor of the residence in Kokrobite. Our job got changed to laying blocks...long story - after all, this is Africa. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi David F,

Glad to hear you are adjusting well. We miss you and love you. Hi to all your team-mates, we are thinking of you here at home, in the -20C weather LOL.

Love, Mom, Dad & Rachel

kathy said...

Hello Darcie:
Its good to hear from you and that you are enjoying it there. We miss you, Jenn has been asking about you so now I can fill her in. The weather here is bitterly cold, and had lots of snow last night. Keep up the great work, and look forward to chatting again. We love you, take care to you all.
Love Aunt Kathy, Uncle Ivan

Anonymous said...

Daryl - thanks for the pics. Fabulous! It is difficult to imagine being too hot. The windchill tonight is supposed to hit -50! Well, that's Winnipeg in Feb. for you. Seriously, you are all in my prayers - esp. for health and safety in a land far away from our own. I know God is blessing from reading the posts. PTL!

Ernie & Linda said...

Hello everyone -- it's wonderful to read your messages and to know that all is well. It sounds like you have been enfolded by a whole family of Ghanaian brothers, sisters and babies! Our prayers are with you, especially for health issues.
Love, Ernie and Linda
P.S. You already know about the weather you're missing back here so.. soak up the warmth while you can.

Anonymous said...

Hay mom hows it going?I miss you is it as amazing as last time?I bet it is.Bens goiing to stop by today.Infact I miss my brothers more than you but that's because I bond with them more than you.
bye love christopher

Anonymous said...

Hi there everyone!
Good to hear you're feeling better, Daryl! We're all praying for you to have a speedy and complete recovery!

Also, David Alan Fulton.... *sigh* Words cannot express how I feel about you right now. Things are getting pretty intense since you've been away! I've stumbled upon some pretty interesting words from your sweet little fingertips!

Anyways, I'll keep checking up on this blog, as I already do. Since it's still.. lesseeee....11 days until I see you again, I hope you can come up with a decent explanation!

Stay safe, be good, and have an excellent time, okay.. babe? I'll still be there when you get home.

I love you. (still. somehow.)

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Penny, Uncle Lawrence, Sarah and the rest of the team! Glad to hear u made it safely .. was starting to get worried. Nana talked to all of your boys on the phone last night and I was talking to Lawrence on Facebook, and everyone is doing great here other than we miss u! In fact, Ben hasn't had a headache or missed one day of school!! :D Evan is now sleeping in his big boy bed everynight and he has started going on the potty! Noah's first tooth is coming through and he is rolling like crazy! I think Nana and I are gonna try to get up on the weekend to have a visit with the boys. Hope to hear more updates soon guys. Keep up the great work guys. Miss u & love u!
Am, Evan, & Noah

Joan said...

Hi Donna: Glad everyone arrived safe and sound. You have accomplished so much in just a few days and also coping with the heat and health problems,too.  Keep up the good work. God is with you! Miss you! Sarah delivered the Fr Tim book and I stayed up all night and read it. DAH!!! Miss you.GOD Bless and keep you in HIS care.Love and PrayersJoanPS: Surgeon overbooked on Feb 20 postphoned till March. J.

steve said...

Hi Janice
Happy Valentines Day, Sweetie! Thanks for the card. Sounds like things are going very well for you over there. I'm glad you're having a good time. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. Things here are good. Greg's curling team won the city championship yesterday. Let's see you explain curling to the Ghanians! Going to the cottage on the weekend. Enjoy the rest of your trip. See you soon. Miss ya.

Anonymous said...


(I see Mom beat me to it, but I have to post anyway.) In all the hussle and bustle of making sure you had everything, packed everything and remembered everything; and all the concern about whether you would be OK, I forgot to tell you the two most important things: I love you and I am proud of you. Do your best, be safe and have fun.

Love Dad.

Anonymous said...

David F-

Happy Valentine's Day! I know it's late there by now.. ( or early, however you'd like to put it..) but I hope your day went well, and that you have been doing lots of great work!

Today was.. one of those days. I haven't been sleeping well at all the last few nights (you can guess why..), AND we had a concert band trip on top of it. I won a leadership award for.. well, leading my section, I guess, but other than that it was very uneventful. I've also just been having a lot of stress over things since you've been away... hopefully it gets better.

I won't apologize for anything I said before.... but I'm hoping somehow we can work this out for the better, however stupid that may make me come off as. *laughs* I've realized you probably have absolutely NO CLUE what I'm talking about.... I promise it's no matter you need to think on now. It will all be fixed when we speak.

I love you very, very much. Don't worry, be good, and most importantly everyone stay safe!

Ernie & Linda said...

Hi Everyone -- we've really enjoyed reading the blog and seeing the pictures. Sounds like you're having an amazing time over there. We'll be expecting considerable changes to our worship services as a result of your uplifting experiences there! St. Paul's seems to be half-empty every Sunday -- we certainly look forward to having you back, with all of your energy and enthusiasm! And tales to be told...
You remain in our thoughts and prayers.
God Bless you all.
Ernie & Linda

Anonymous said...


Most of you do not know me. However, I wanted to let you know that I have been thinking/praying for you guys. I love Ghana and am glad that you have had the opportunity to go!
